Well fast forward to Friday morning. We cooked the turkey, my wife ran her 10K, and we just hung out as a family. So on Friday morning, I slipped back into the same stand and watched the sun come up. This morning not quite as cold as the first hunt of the week, but that could have been because I had an extra layer on and heavy boots too. The plan today was the same as earlier in the week. Hunt till 11:00 and hang out at with the family for the rest of the day.
The hunt started out just as it had before minus the turkeys. They must have found a different spot to roost this particular morning. But the song birds and the squirrels were there to pick up the slack. I was awfully cozy sitting in the stand with wooly booger mits, heavy stocking cap, and ice king boots. I'm telling you I don't like being cold. And as the sun began to rise, for some reason I kept my eyes on the field which was located on the opposite ridge.
This was the same field that the spike had skated earlier in the week before crossing the bottom to get to my side. Well at 9:00, I caught movement along the fields edge. A doe was slipping up the side of the field looking for danger. One doe turned into two, and two turned into three, and three turned into four, and four turned into five. Five does moved up the side of that field. They stepped into the woods at the elbow of the field and stopped to survey their next move. I stood up and pulled out the can call and turned it upside down. I have had success with call does in to close range with the can, its not just for bucks. The lead doe picked up on the bleat and lead the group down the into the bottom headed my way.