Thanks guys, Currently no I have no arrows. As for what to start with I don't know, eventually I would like to shoot wood, but I hear theres all kinds of head aches with that. I've read that carbon is best to start out with outside of all aluminum, Unfortuantly I'm not big on aluminum.
I definatly am/going to shoot as much as possible before I go crazy getting the "best". lol, but before I do that I need the "basics" to even shoot. I just have a thing about strings and want that other then anything else on the bow, to be descent before I start. I will definatly look through the classifieds, thanks Chris. On draw length, when I shot compund (including this archery season) I was at 28" with a back tension release where is was right next to my anchor point. I'm not saying I will be exactly there with a recurve, but I imagine pretty close since it wasn't a long release... Is it safe to assume this for now? Lastly, I hear everyone talk about form, with out reading a couple hundred page book for now, is there a short thread/picture/video/ etc on this? I'm assuming its different then my form with a compound? Thanks again guys, keep the info coming!