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Author Topic: I found my first bow, now what?  (Read 1092 times)

Offline edge2009

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I found my first bow, now what?
« on: November 27, 2012, 02:34:00 PM »
Well guys, I’ve purchased , my first recurve as of last night thanks to the “big auction” website. I’ve been looking for about 2 weeks now trying to be patient; I’ve gone from many makes and models. I put in a bid and went to bed, I figured if it was meant to be, it will happen. I woke up this morning with an email stating I won!   :jumper:  

   Not sure if I got a good deal, or if I was even ripped off; lol. I bought a 58” Ben Pearson Mustang 45#@28”. It has a beautiful color tone to the wood and a pretty gnarly knot in the wood on the riser, Kind of what drawn me to it. Not sure how old, or what kind of wood it is… But I plan on researching all of these things once I get it. For now, I’m researching what length string I need and what kind? How many twist , what material, etc… The trad stuff is all new to me. With that said, does anyone know where I can get  string made? I’d rather find someone who can custom make one instead of buying something over seas or even a major company. Also got to get a bow stringer and I assume I’m going to start with a tab instead of a glove. Then the crazy science behind choosing a arrow…

Any help would be greatly appreciated for the above questions! Again, I appreciate everyone’s help on this site and am thankful I have you guys to constantly nag and ask questions! Lol. I plan to shoot all this off season so I’m ready to go by next fall. I also want to start shooting on 3D ranges, something I never did with the compound. If I’m lucky, I might be descent enough to take the ‘ole stick and string for a spring turkey hunt this april!   :archer2:  

Thanks again guys & God Bless
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Offline ChrisM

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2012, 02:43:00 PM »
Well there are several string makers listed in the Sponcers drop down screen.  All will do a great job and know how to fix you up with one that works for ya.  Also 3 rivrs could set you up with a tab, stringer and armqurd.  Next for the arrow a draw lenght will need to be determined.  The best way it to hold a yard stick in the middle of your chest and place your hands on the stick as far out as you can confortly reach and that finger tip distance will be close to your draw.  From that a proper arrow will be easier to ascertain.  Next do you want to shoot Carbon, aluminum or Wood?
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Offline Sarah

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 02:44:00 PM »
Shoot, shoot, shoot! Don't worry about getting everything perfect (except your form!)

I learned to shoot on the ugliest bow I've ever seen, an old orange bow made entirely of fiberglass for bowfishing (I got it for free and used a leather work glove for a tab). Everyone who saw me shoot it laughed, but because the bow was so crummy I didn't stress too much over where the arrows landed, just worked and worked on getting my form right.

When I wasn't shooting, I was visualizing myself shooting. Practicing just staring at a pinpoint, so that when it was time to shoot I could focus and follow through.

Still have plenty to learn... but I think it helped to start out with so little and not get hung up on having the "best" or "perfect" set up.


Offline BigBucksnTrucks

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2012, 02:47:00 PM »
Do you have any arrows that will work with the bow?

Offline Sean B

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 02:48:00 PM »
just what Sarah said.  good luck with it!
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Offline ChrisM

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2012, 02:49:00 PM »
Also as stated above real tuning will not be possible until your form is consistant.  Also do yourself a favor and get your target set up chest high to start with to prevent all kinds of bad habits starting out.
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Offline WhiteBeard121

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2012, 03:16:00 PM »
Congrats, I watched that bow, wanted it bad, but needed a 50-55#'er. That's a nice looking bow, hope you enjoy it much!


Offline edge2009

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2012, 03:17:00 PM »
Thanks guys, Currently no I have no arrows. As for what to start with I don't know, eventually I would like to shoot wood, but I hear theres all kinds of head aches with that. I've read that carbon is best to start out with outside of all aluminum, Unfortuantly I'm not big on aluminum.

I definatly am/going to shoot as much as possible before I go crazy getting the "best". lol, but before I do that I need the "basics" to even shoot. I just have a thing about strings and want that other then anything else on the bow, to be descent before I start. I will definatly look through the classifieds, thanks Chris. On draw length, when I shot compund (including this archery season) I was at 28" with a back tension release where is was right next to my anchor point. I'm not saying I will be exactly there with a recurve, but I imagine pretty close since it wasn't a long release... Is it safe to assume this for now? Lastly, I hear everyone talk about form, with out reading a couple hundred page book for now, is there a short thread/picture/video/ etc on this? I'm assuming its different then my form with a compound? Thanks again guys, keep the info coming!
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Offline edge2009

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2012, 03:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by WhiteBeard121:
Congrats, I watched that bow, wanted it bad, but needed a 50-55#'er. That's a nice looking bow, hope you enjoy it much!

haha, thanks Dan... It reassures me knowing someone who knows what their doing was looking at the same bow... I was pretty clueless and skeptical about buying off there because one not shooting it and not being able to see the limb twist on it...

It was between 3, that one, another Bear Grizzley in zebra wood, or a used one on RMSG.
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Online David Mitchell

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2012, 03:27:00 PM »
All kinds of headaches with wood???  News to me.  But I've only been using it for about 50 years.  Nothing much simpler really than a wooden arrow.  People want to make things waaaay too complicated these days. Too me what's complicated is all this foc, efoc stuff with carbon arrows in order to get decent flight. (Actually I don't find them very complicated either). When I started in archery all there was for anybody to shoot was basically wood. I remember seeing my first aluminum arrow.  :rolleyes:  If you like the idea of wood go ahead and try some.
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Offline edge2009

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2012, 03:48:00 PM »
10 4 David,

I really do like the idea of wood arrows. I just might give them a go! How do they hold up when "stumping" or would I not want to use them for that? Would you happen to reccomend any for me? Thanks
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Offline JohnnyWayne

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2012, 03:50:00 PM »
Where are you at in FL? If near Delray Beach give me a holler, alot of us usually meet up on Saturdays and shoot at our local range, would love to have you along  :)

Also, check in here for form tips, required reading when just starting out  :)

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Offline Marc B.

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2012, 03:54:00 PM »
Look at 3 Rivers for a wood test kit. I love wood arrows and I have destroyed more than a few carbons stump shooting too    ;)

Does the bow come with a string? If so any of the string makers here will tell you how they want you measure for a new one.

Congrats on the purchase!

Offline edge2009

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2012, 03:56:00 PM »
Originally posted by JohnnyWayne:
Where are you at in FL? If near Delray Beach give me a holler, alot of us usually meet up on Saturdays and shoot at our local range, would love to have you along   :)  

Also, check in here for form tips, required reading when just starting out   :)  

Hey Johnny that would be awesome! I live in Vero beach currently, not sure how close/far that is to there. If not too far, I would love to meet up with some of you to shoot.
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Offline edge2009

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2012, 03:57:00 PM »
Originally posted by Marc B.:
Look at 3 Rivers for a wood test kit. I love wood arrows and I have destroyed more than a few carbons stump shooting too     ;)  

Does the bow come with a string? If so any of the string makers here will tell you how they want you measure for a new one.

Congrats on the purchase!
thanks Marc I was just looking at that, I'm thinking thats the one to go with!
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Offline BigBucksnTrucks

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2012, 04:05:00 PM »
[/qb][/QUOTE]Hey Johnny that would be awesome! I live in Vero beach currently, not sure how close/far that is to there. If not too far, I would love to meet up with some of you to shoot. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Vero beach?!  I lived there for a while. I was actually just there for thanksgiving for a couple days, I have family down there. Make sure you check out TBOF, they have an even in January that should be a lot of fun.

Also watch the calssifieds on here for arrows, you can get some awesome deals from these guys!

I've never shot wood, but would like to try.  I have shot carbons and alums and I recommend aluminum over carbons mainly bc of durability.  I shoot A LOT and in my experience the aluminums will take a lot more abuse than carbons. but tha's just what I've experienced.  Good Luck!

Offline JohnnyWayne

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2012, 04:08:00 PM »
Hey Johnny that would be awesome! I live in Vero beach currently, not sure how close/far that is to there. If not too far, I would love to meet up with some of you to shoot.
Vero is a bit of a hike, I have an aunt that lives up there and it's probably about an hour to an hour and a half drive but you're more than welcome to come on down  :)

I think there's some clubs closer up in Indian River somewhere but I haven't been to them, try dropping a line in the Florida forum in the states section near the bottom of the homepage if you want to save some money in gas    ;)

Or just give me a holler and I'll tell you how to get to where we are  :)
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Offline edge2009

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2012, 04:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by BigBucksnTrucks:
Hey Johnny that would be awesome! I live in Vero beach currently, not sure how close/far that is to there. If not too far, I would love to meet up with some of you to shoot. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Vero beach?!  I lived there for a while. I was actually just there for thanksgiving for a couple days, I have family down there. Make sure you check out TBOF, they have an even in January that should be a lot of fun.

Also watch the calssifieds on here for arrows, you can get some awesome deals from these guys!

I've never shot wood, but would like to try.  I have shot carbons and alums and I recommend aluminum over carbons mainly bc of durability.  I shoot A LOT and in my experience the aluminums will take a lot more abuse than carbons. but tha's just what I've experienced.  Good Luck! [/QB][/QUOTE]

haha, yea just moved here for a job... trying to get back around Ocala area... I know they do a TBOF get together there at a FWC camp because I use to work there as a saftey intsructor.

I'm having a little trouble with the kits for wood. As in which group to choose... A, B, or C... Any one help with that?
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Offline edge2009

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2012, 04:15:00 PM »
Originally posted by JohnnyWayne:
Hey Johnny that would be awesome! I live in Vero beach currently, not sure how close/far that is to there. If not too far, I would love to meet up with some of you to shoot.
Vero is a bit of a hike, I have an aunt that lives up there and it's probably about an hour to an hour and a half drive but you're more than welcome to come on down   :)  

I think there's some clubs closer up in Indian River somewhere but I haven't been to them, try dropping a line in the Florida forum in the states section near the bottom of the homepage if you want to save some money in gas     ;)  

Or just give me a holler and I'll tell you how to get to where we are   :)  [/b]
10 4, maybe once I get a hang of things I'll take a trip down there and shoot. Do you guys have a 3D range we could all spend a day on?
Jake Edge

Kanati 43# @ 28"

Online David Mitchell

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Re: I found my first bow, now what?
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2012, 05:30:00 PM »
OK, Jake, let me take a stab at answering your question about which test kit to choose--you say the bow draws 45#@28" and that your draw with a compound was 28" with back tension release.  Most compound shooters will lose about an inch in draw at least going to a traditional bow, so I'm gonna' guess your draw will be around 27" on the recurve.  That will put your draw eight at about 42-43# (you generally drop about 2-3# of draw weight for each inch below 28" of marked weight at 28").  So you definitely want to go with Test Kit A which is two arrows each of spines that range between 35-55#.  That should easily put you in the ball park even if you wind up pulling the bow to the 28" mark.

I have great results shooting woods for stumping.  Sure you're going to bust one from time to time, but that's all part of it.  You bend and break carbons too.  :D   But they don't smell nearly as good as Port Orford cedar does.  That sweet smell of cedar makes breaking one a whole lot less painful.  :thumbsup:
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