This Missouri boy is lucky enough to get to hunt South Texas for the last 2 years and it all came together for my first Buck in my hunting career.
There have been several years of when will it happen and several just misses but this one was mine.
The landowner told me about a spot that he had been seeing a great buck in the area so I nestled up against a tree and fine tuned a ground blind that had good ol' Texas everything has thorns bushes as cover. The spot didn't look promising but I have learned in my short career to never doubt the landowner. Sitting was uncomfortable and the cows coming down the hill and feeding 20yds from me had me believing my hunt was all but over. At 5:30 the cows had moved on down the dirt road and jumped 3 does out of the draw next to them. Just then, the big boy that the farmer talked came out in the field about 150yds away and promptly ran back to cover due to the cows. When the cows passed, he back to the field, crossed the road, and took the Looong way around the field to torture me and was headed straight to me but cutting my wind. At 25yds his head popped up, sniffed, and i got that sick feeling when that first blowing sound let out. After 10-15 of those I thought my hunt was done and was going to pack my stuff.
Not 5 minutes later I could see another different buck 20yds from me in the same spot he ran off. He must have been looking for a fight because he was all swelled up with that look in his eye. He cleared the tree branch and I drew but he heard the arrow on the shelf but didn't spook. I let her fly and the buck dropped and the arrow sailed right over his back. My heart sank as he ran back behind me, buuut he didn't leave. He came right back. I scrambled quietly to pull another arrow as he was now 15yds. I drew again and he heard the arrow on the shelf again so I let down from half draw. What do I do? I picked up the arrow with my finger and drew and let her fly. Quartering away at 18yds and that Poplar shaft and Simmons Interceptor did it's job. It caught both lungs and broke the opposite shoulder. He ultimately ran 80yds and fell over.
There is no other reason that he should have come back and offered a shot the second time except that it was just my turn and it was God's plan. I am the happiest hunter in the world.