Alright let me try this...thanks to:
Jared @ journeyman archery
Jim @ firefly bows
Chris Koenigsknect
One stringer Scott & mindy
St. Joe river bows Dave & Tracey
Ron LaClair
Roger Norris & daisy the wonder beagle
Mike mitten & the Wensels
Rob green of kidstiks
Tim @ Braveheart archery
Jay & Karen Campbell
Brad Isham
Hardcore archery Ryan Steadman
Mark Baker
Jerry Gowins
Shawn Webb Taurus self bows
Chuck @ Two tracks
All my hunting brothers who put up with me and help me out: Kevin, Steve g, Steve C, Chad, Dan, Bob,Tim, Pops Fishell, Terry, Jason B, Jim J.
(Big thanks to my wife and boys, who let me hunt and keep me focused)
Huge thanks to everyone who comes, donates and helps us! We had a lot of people come early to help set up, bring extra stuff and lots of dogs this year!
Hopefully I didn't forget anyone! If I did please forgive me!