I have a rookie mistake to confess. I went to the little bottom where I have a two stage ladder stand in a tree cluster. The wind was wrong for the stand, but right for the rest of the area. My Ojibwa great grandma would have been proud of the sneak job I did getting into position. I tucked myself into a flood washed trunk of a large tree. I should have taken my Huntmor, but I had my Nifty seat and after awhile I needed to stetch. I was sitting on the tree trunk eating an apple. When I started to pull up the zipper of my coat, I heard a noise behind me. Four does, that were apparently bedded down very close by, were standing behind me. My bow was out of reach and on the ground. I dropped to get my hands on the bow and alerted the does. They did not spook, but they were on high alert and staring directly at me, 30 yards away. I can hit a deer at 30 yards, but not one that has me pinned down. I stayed on my knees hunched over for 25 minutes, before they went about their business. A week later, my back still hurts and my knee is still swollen. Hopefully, late season will give me another chance to fill those doe tags.