I whapped my elbow on my bow arm on a t-post years ago and developed bursitis in it. It swelled up big time eventually. It really didn't bother me drawing the bow, being my bow arm, but when I loosed the string and the bow recoiled, #%*&*#*. Felt a hot poker stuck in my elbow joint. The doctor drained twice and it felt better but it took quite awhile before it totally cleared up. I had to drive with my left arm on the arm rest, and sleeping was an event sometimes. That's been probably 20 yrs. ago and still if I bump that elbow I either feel something in there or my brain is panicking perhaps.
After it was drained and a dose of meds, I could wrap my elbow and shoot OK, just for not as long a period of time. So good luck, no instant cure methinks but I'm no doc or expert. Just know what my experience was.