I created a similar excel spreadsheet for myself 9 years ago and it has really paid off down the road. The only things I have on my sheet that are different is that I log each sighting individually by time. It looks like yours covers the whole day, so you can't tell when you saw them. Right now, not a big deal, but 5 years from now, you will want to have that. I also have multiple stand locations in one area so I have a column to mark which stand I was in. Additional nice-to-haves are moon phase and sun/overcast conditions. Where it has helped me is that after 3 years or so I realize that the deer just don't show up at a particular stand in the morning in late November where they would be all over the place in October, I won't hunt there in the morning. Of course I go back and check them once in a while just to make sure. I believe deer do tend to favor the same travel corridors and food sources year after year, and this helps me zero in on the likely spots. This year, I knew without a doubt where my opening day stand would be. I got three shots in 45 minutes. I'm a dope and rushed all of them and went home very humble, but it was satisfying knowing the plan worked. Right now, I know that I wouldn't see anything from that stand any time of the day.