you bet Chris.... I'll be at western states. and the Cascade limb design was my inspiration for the Sasquatch model. Love those reflex wedges....
I'm just now getting around to getting these shorty TD's dialed in...hopefully i'll get my web site updated in January and have this line added. I'm sending one out next month for field testing and have already taken orders for some of these.
I've got another one i'm working on too that i just built the forms on that have a very similar limb design, as the "Sovereign Balistic" static tip RC.
This one i was originally inspired to build by a man named Luis Sanchez. Lou was impressed with the balistic limb design and has been tinkering with something similar for awhile now. He's a fairly new hobby builder that I've been tutoring since last spring trying to help him get it bending in the right places. This last month he sent me photos that instantly made me sit up straighter in my chair...... I told Lou he finally nailed this one. I also told him honestly I think with some fine tuning and a bit of lip stick this design has serious potential.
So Lou passed the ball back to me and told me to run with it. I'm going to get the bugs worked out of the design and he has commissioned me to build #001 for him. You won't see those come out until Spring though. keep your eye's peeled for the "Sasquatch SS"
Brutha Steve, (Sixby) was just recently commissioned to work on a Sovereign Ballistic bow, and had one right there. When i showed him photos of Lou's prototype he was impressed with the looks and how similar the design was. He also shared my excitement on the possibilities. So we decided to do a joint effort on getting this new limb design dialed in and share our testing results. I think Steve has a form almost completed right now... This should be a fun project.....Kirk
Here you go Doc. if you don't like my "stitching" on the light colored riser, how about the sister riser? this one goes into to stock btw. But the maple riser has a home.