Azores are really beautiful islands. You've been in Terceira Island, in the air base?
Russ, in my farm I hunt all kind of small game and european wildboar. I'm trying to introduce Fallow deer since they existed here before 1974 revolution. I have presently 3 bucks and 2 does in the wild. They are what's left by the poltures (did I write it right?)!
So, wild boar, althoug in free range, have the necessary conditions to stay here and be hunted. We are allowed to hunt all year during full moon nights. 8 nights before full moon till the night after. We are allowed to hunt all year in day light by stalking them but it's virtually impossible, so we hunt at night mostly standing and waiting with food stands. Lot's of adrenalin. I love hunting them by stalking at night but that's becaus I have a farm where I can spend hours chacing them. Most my friends and clients don't have the pacience to do that! In small game we have rabits, hare's, fox, mangust, partridge, wood pigeon, quail, some pheasant, snipe, woodcok and duck's, each one with a hunting season. I think I didn't forget any!