So I been trying to take a whitetail from the ground , knew it would be tough, but after spending most of my deer hunting life in the tree's I just never knew how tough!! Getting close hasn't been the problem, I thought that would be it, but it seems if they come within shooting distance that ain't good enough for em, them jokers just like to keep on coming till they make me nervous. Didn't like em under my stand in the trees and I sure don't like em even within 6-8 yards on the ground.Just can't seem to get the draw on em at that distance, I love to hunt thicket's around edge of hardwoods mainly because that's where I see em at, I've learned a lot from your replies and for that I am grateful.Have been within 10 yards of 3 does and 2 bucks within the last couple of weeks, Heard one down in the bottom the other day and managed to slip within 20 yds of a nice mature buck in the dry hardwood leaves, he went about his business not even knowing I was there , just no open shot. I never thought it possible but through the reading of these threads. Not spot and stalk but hear and stalk about as close as you can get around here. Guess just trying to say thanks for helping a fellow to learn new things and plan on keeping at it as long as I can and hopefully it'll come together soon. One more thing thanks for all the tips about wool. My wife thinks I really look crazy in some of the outfits but the deer they don't seem to even see me at all!!!