Everyone would have a pair of Swarovski's if they could but they in no way are worth what they cost.Same goes for a lot of the high end binocs.There are a lot of good ones that are a fration of the cost as mentioned here already that are not a long ways behind as far as optics go.A lot of people that put out $1000 for a pair of high end ones will think they are that much better simply because if they paid $1000 or more you HAVE to think that,lol.Yes Swarovski's are great, but not THAT great,lol.I have a few pairs,some older bushnel 7x30 and a newer pair of compact Nikon 7x30's.The Nikons are great! One thing on cheaper binoculers that helps is dont get the high power ones like the 10X.Stay around 6X or 7X especially in compacts.