I realized there are 2 versions. laminated and biocomposite laminated that has horn and sinew. The biocomposite one looks good too but shaped more like a hybrid longbow. Do you have experience with that one as well?
I really am jealous of that you have 2 peregrines. [/QB]
There are two versions and I will quote from Grozers' site:
1. the Assyrian Bio Composite This bow comes with sinew on the back and horn plates on the belly.
The bows made by this technology consist of the following materials: the middle layers of wood, the inner layer of pressed horn, while the outer layer of pressed sinew plate. These two layers are glued to the wooden plate by modern glue and the glued layer gets a fibre strengthening. Due to these biocomposite materials, the modern technology and materials these bows are faster than the simple laminated bows. They are appreciably soft, have long draw length and without any resonance when drawing.
These bows give almost the same shooting experience than a hornbow (extra III) and even their appearance is similar, although the biocomposite bows are flatter.
Standard Price: €350,-
2. The Assyrian Bio Composite Extra III The bow is made in the same way as they were made thousands of years ago that is of horn-wood-sinew. The primitive Eastern recurve bows like the Hungarian, Hunnish, Avar, Turkish… etc were not made only of wood, but of much more flexible and durable materials than wood and these were horn and sinew. Only the cores of the bows were of wood. In ancient times these bows were simply called hornbows. I have been occupied in this technology the most. My first hornbow was ready 19 years ago. Since that time I have been experimenting these bows nearly every day, I've spent a lot of time on them and they have gone through a lot of development. The composite bows produced during the last few years can compete with the modern material bows (but they are not more sensitive than the Olympic bows). Though these bows are extremely sensitive to stringing. It is worth stringing them in a crouched position with the help of another person.
Standard price: €750,-
For the extra III this means Grozer is also using ancient glue like made from the bladder of fish.
I shot both, but I don't think the extra III justifies the difference in price. And besides of that: they are more vulnarable.
Unless you are an ancient horsebow junkie, who wants to shoot with the genuine ancient horsebows to experience how a boow shoots made with am technique that is thousands of year old, my choice would be the first version.... It shoots that good that it leaves no more whishes.
And yes, I am very lucky to own two Peregrines