This morning something happened to me that was way more than a successful hunt.....stick with me and you'll understand "why"....
As most of you know, most of my season was dedicated to making Cade's first season as memorable as possible.
After a slow start to "our" season, it seemed that everytime out with him, we were right in the thick of things. It was like he became a deer magnet. I wouldn't have it any other way....he did well and isn't done yet.
But, it seemed when I got the opportunity to hunt by myself, deer were few and far between. Don't get me wrong, I had some opportunities early at small bucks that I passed on, but for the life of me I couldn't get a doe close to me to fill a tag or 2.
With a pocket full of tags still, a couple weeks ago, I decided that it wasn't about "how big" was time to "deer hunt".
Well..... small bucks, big bucks, and does.....I've seen them all....but absolutely nothing close enough to shoot. I was struggling, and I wanted at least one more deer for the freezer.
I had yet to release a single arrow at a deer all season!
Enough backround of the season, lets fast forward to this morning....
The last week or more I hadn't hunted at all, the kids and wife were sick for a few days....then of course I got it! So today would be the first hunt in over a week.
Up early and out the door headed south to Westchester Co....for those that aren't's a bowhunting only county here in NY.
From the time I woke up and hit the shower, something was different.
About half way into the trip, I had a strong feeling of confidence come over me.....I wasn't sure "why"....but it was there........
Set up, and settled in....I just "knew" today I would kill a deer....wasn't sure "why".....but now it was stronger than ever....
Now that it was starting to get light, I grabbed my bow off its hanger, and pulled the arrow with the broadhead I've been loading all fall. The arrow with Chis Surtees' 1 1/4" VPA 3 blade....
Before I go any further, I just want let you guys know....I'm not doing any of this for drama....everything I'm writing is an absolutely honest account of the morning....
Just like I had every hunt this fall, I nocked it as I looked to the sky and had a few words with fail, everytime.....but today felt different.....but I just didn't know "why"....
....At 8:30 I hear something behind me....I look over my right shoulder and see a deer walking....
I see it's a spike, the same spike Cade almost killed a couple weeks earlier. A couple voice doe grunts, and a few minutes later, he's at 20yds and was going to happen!
I draw "Cy", and send the 30" Beman Bowhunter tipped with Chris' broadhead on it's way.....
At the shot he reacted, and by the time the arrow struck he was on the move and slightly quartering away....the arrow disappeared about mid body....
He ran for about 50yds in a half circle and stopped. At this point, I was fairly confident I'd made a good shot given the angle, but I knew it wasn't perfect.....
So at about 40yds, with him just standing right in front of a big oak, not looking good, I wanted to try to get another arrow in him as I was close to the property line that I have permission to hunt. I found a small lane, picked a spot, and shot again....
When I released I thought..."perfect"....but as it got there I watched it drop low and saw a big "puff" of hair fly as the arrow slammed into the oak!
He ran another 20yds and stopped, again not looking well....I grabbed my camera just in time to catch him going down...
I climbed down....
to be continued...the best is yet to come....