Well deer have not been moving well for me so I went in to where my pig normally come through... I was there for 30 minutes before I had a nice boar come in to nearly 40 yards but just out of range for the recurve... He ended up catching my wind and walking back the way he came. Ten minutes pass and I hear pigs coming in from behind me I stand and turn to see a nice sow coming in right under me... She catches my scent from where I walked in and starts to trail me out like a blood hound.. She turns at quartering away at 8 yards I draw and release, she tears out of the bottom and all is silent in less than 5 seconds....I knew she was down and turn to hear more pigs coming... Within seconds a small boar runs under my stand and stops in the same spot as the first sow...I Pick a spot and shoot the arrow hits a little forward catching the shoulder bone...The pig ran 50 yards and all was silent... I climb down 10 minutes later and find my arrow from the second hog with only 6 inches of of blood on the arrow...I decide to track the first pig... 5 minutes, red road, and 20 yards later I have my biggest sow to date...I decided to let the second pig lay the night since there was no blood and I was unsure of the hit...I'll be back in tomorrow and see if he expired or will live on with the wound... (Which I fear may be the case)
For those who are interested: Damon Howatt Martin Mamba Recurve 58lbs at my draw. 200 Aztec broadhead and full length 65/75 shafts...