I started trad archery a year ago with an old Indian Seneca. It didn't do it for me. I saw a Kodiak Magnum on Craigslist and responded to the ad. The Bow was at a pawn shop a couple of blocks from my house and I ended up buying it for $100. It turned out to be a 1965 KM 46# @28". This is my favorite Bear bow. From all of the pictures of KMs I have seen I think KMs of this vintage are the prettiest. It has rosewood in the handle section, what I think is babinga in the back section with the three lam feature strip curving into the fadeouts. It is a fantastic shooter. It has a smooth draw out beyond 28" and is very accurate. It is just as fast as a 50# takedown I have and shoots a 507 gr. arrow @ 167 fps chronographed. This is one of my favorite bows to shoot.
My next favorite bow is a 45# at 28" 58" AMO Grizzly that I got from a Tradganger on this site. I believe it is a 1972 vintage bow and shoots almost as nice as the '65 KM.
The other Bears I have is a near new condition 1970 50# KM I bought locally off of the original owner, and a very nice 1971 50# 28" 56" AMO Grizzly I bought recently off of a Tradganger on this site. I have only shot these bows a few times as the draw weight is just a little heavy for me and I don't shoot them as well as the other two.
These classic Bears are not quite as fast as some of the newer high tech recurves or RD longbows but they are nice shooters and I agree with BostonBowman that they have a quality about them. Call it soul, class, charachter or whatever. The older bears are special.
I think Fred Bear as well as some of the other older bowyers, knew what they were doing.