Bob --- Gene's method is using hemp rope as licking branches with Smokey's preorbital scent. The first part of his studies is on the brothers of the bow website. Really highlights the social year long aspect of the licking branch that we often overlook because not all licking branches have a big ol scrape underneath them. I have two out now with cameras over them and I think it might just be the overall best way to inventory the deer on a piece of property. I have had one out for 4 days and hunted it this morning (actually hunted the funnel that I hung the wick in). I had pictures of does, imature bucks, and 2 mature deer. One that I have not seen before, and a scrape was opened up under it. I had 11 deer (all does) pass through this funnel while I was on stand this morning and 4 of them actually put there nose to the wick rope. 3 of them stopped wihtin 2 yards of the wick and did a little smelling. The other 4 deer were yearling deer that all appeared to be female. I am 4 days worth of knowledge on using these ropes so not much knowledge to pass on at this time. From the time it was put out it was 34 hours before i got the first picture of a deer at the wick (a 1.5 yr old buck) I had pictures of 2 does in the trail cam pass through the funnel prior to getting picture of a deer actually smelling the wick. I have never been one much on using scents and all the gimmicks that are out there, but the use of these wicks really makes alot of sense. I am really excited sbout their place in putting out trail cameras and capturing pictures. What was real interesting to me is I put this thing out on monday. Tues thru Thursday evening it rained off and on and alot at times. Thursday we had 35 mpg gusts in TN, just in general not very good weather for deer movement and I had deer visiting the wick.