Don't know what it is, but almost any hunting breed with a German ancestry/origin can be counted on to hunt...hard. Many breeds will get the job done, if tracking hit deer is the only objective.
I live far out in the country on a farm. I selected the Deutsch Drahthaar because of its versatility in many hunting and tracking applications. I also needed to solve a problem. The problem was too many opossums, skunks, raccoons and other small varmints 'crowding' us and living around our farm. The Drahthaar is one of those breeds which WILL pursue, catch and kill these varmints. They will also chase coyotes and foxes, and can kill them if successful at cornering them. The end result for me is that I've had NO encounters with any of these creatures around the farm for well over a year now. This is not a breed I'd recommend for a suburban or city dweller. My 2 dogs are outrageously athletic and energetic, needing space to run hard. Around 50 pounds each, they're strong as an ox and have healthy appetites. I'm currently spending about $100 per month in dog food.
I considered much smaller dogs initially, but ruled them out as being unsuited for my varmint-control intentions, as well as a rough-and-tumble life on the farm, outdoor kennels, etc.