G'day guys,
Well it's been a spell since I have posted anything worthy here of late so I thought I'd better get my finger out and bring myself back to the campfire and brotherhood of Trad Gang.
A good mate of mine has been making bows now for a number of years here in Aussie and I have always been going to get one off him but I could never settle on a timber combo.
Well after almost a year in the making (I was in no rush as I have some quality bows already) Mark Kimber from Huntsman bows called me the other day saying "Zulu" was ready...
"Zulu" is a 62" curve, 62# @ my 29" draw. I drove down to Mark's place the other week to pick the bow up and we naturally had a few shots. I had not shot a bow in months due to a number of reasons but man-o-man is this bow a shotter!
Mark's attention to detail, craftsmenship and his ability to use the best of the materials given is second to none in my humble opinion. It's easy to see why he is Australia's leading bowyer.
The timbers are Black & White Ebony and African Blackwood with bamboo cores in the limbs.