So I've been back at the trad thing for a little over 3 months now after a 15 year hiatus and am loving every minute. Early on I bought a really nice "Big Green Target" bag target and have been practicing almost every day at distances 10-30 yds, but mostly 10-20. Back and forth, some weeks 10 only, some weeks mix it up, from different orientations, standing, kneeling, from behind bushes. Anyway, I have been impressed with how accurate I had become in just 3 months, able to group arrows pretty darn well at those distances, and the bullseye on the target is starting to get shot out, haha. Well over the last month I've been working on hitting single points with single arrows and that's been going pretty well too. The Big Green is the only target I currently have. I have been hunting 3 times this season, and each time have felt pretty confident in my abilities, have seen deer and gotten within 30 yds, but as of yet have not gotten any good setups for a clean shot.
Well much to my delight a friend invited me over to his house yesterday for some shooting and he has a nice 8 point buck 3D target. He also has an awesome shooting lane cut on this property fully ranged out and properly measured 10 through 50 yard increments marked with bricks. Well we spent all day shooting yesterday and MAN what the heck my shooting seemed to go all to hell??? Shooting at that fake deer felt totally different to me! 10 yds was not a problem (though I had a couple misses there too! ha!) 15yds was also pretty good felt natural. 20-30 was hilarious! I had no problem getting 'near' the deer at all...I shot over its head, its back, under its belly, past its tail so many times we were laughing ourselves silly. I also got plenty of shots in the 'kill zone' too though, but whereas my accuracy throughout the day for the killbox at 10-15 was between 75-100% depending, my accuracy at 20-30, especially 30, was miserable at maybe 50%, ha! I guess I found it very challenging switching to someone else's range no.1 (why did the yardages seem further on his?? I measured mine too!!?) and no.2 the biggie, that deer sure looked different to shoot at being all tan and blendy, smaller target zone and not a big white and green bag! Crazy! I did not get discouraged, it just gave me pause, and there was much laughter as I mentioned, but I am certainly reevaluating my skills up to this point and all those tight groups on the bag don't mean so much to me now as they did a month ago. I definitely determined my current effective hunting range where I feel I'm being ethical is now reduced to 15 yds. Any advice? I recently read Instinctive Shooting II and that had great info, now I want to reread it and figure out what the heck. I've been planning on hitting the TBOF charity shoot in January, but now that I discovered that I'm really only good to 15 yds I'm worried. I mean don't get me wrong, by the end of the day yesterday my average at 20-30 had improved quite a bit, and I think more sessions would definitely help, but how much can I expect to improve in a month? Sheesh. -Chuck