Example: I've killed 1 elk, 1 black bear, and several deer in the last 14 years using 2 blade cut on contact broadheads ( Zwickey,Magnus, Grizzly) ( single bevel, double bevel). Anelope and a couple deer with 3-blade Woodsman. Most were good shot placement (lungs)and most had very minimal blood trail. I know dead is dead but I really don't think that trailing should have to be a crawl and look for the next spot of blood. My Point: After reading Terry Green I decided what the heck. I've got a few days left in the season. I sharpen some 4-blade Zwickey (125 grains) attach to arrow and head out. Christmas Eve I get a 23 yd shot at a doe in its snowy bed. The arrow was true through first shoulder/chest/off side shoulder. #51 selfmade longbow/goldtip 35/55. Now the good part. The mature doe went 40 yards wide open. The area where she dropped looked like a butcher shop. I backtracked to where the deer was shot in her bed and the blood trail started immeadiately and looked like I took a garden sprayer and sprayed blood the entire distance. I mean Ray Charles could have trailed this deer. I don't know if this is out of the ordinary for 4-blades or not but I am a believer now and will try again next year if at all possible. Oh, the first doe I shot this year was a double lung going down and out low on the opposite side and I found only 15-20 small drops of blood the whole entire 200yds. to recovery site. I know a lot of people have good trails with the 2 and3 blades but I have not on an average. Just my thoughts.