A food source is key if you want a lot of rabbits. Ladino clover food plots with brush piles nearby come to mind. As said before, rabbits are creatures of the edge but a few brush piles back in the the timber away from the edge are beneficial at helping rabbits escape predators. Hadn't thought about the salt thing but that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the tip.
If you harvest a few rabbits from your property every year, make an effort to control predators as well. Trap a few or call a few foxes, coyotes and bobcats. It's a good way to extend your outdoor experience and benefits the bunnies.
It's refreshing to read a thread geared toward small game management. I've been cleaning up some brush on my small farm and cutting a few cedars. Was planning on burning it but after reading this thread, I think I'll plan a couple late season work parties with my daughters to build some "rabitat"
Thanks, Trap