We use platinum by the pint and go through quite a lot. The secret is to not use it on anything that comes from Easton or Beman unless you take special precautions.
Gold tip really requires no prep, but we wipe with denatured alcohol anyway. As far as we know, we have only ever had one problem with platinum on gold tips and I believe it is from an old tube of platinum. We had left the cap off our bottle and it hardened over the weekend so in haste we used a tube that had been opend and used then set aside for months.
Carbon Express requires that you wipe with denatured alcohol to clean off the release agent left on the shafts from manufacturing. Then fletch away.
Easton and Beman have a coating on there shafts that won't accept glue unless you scuff them first. Even after that, results are mixed. They sell there own type of glue called quick bond. I don't know what the difference is, but we have tried all the other cyanoacrilic glues, but Quick Bond is the ony one that would adhere to the easton shafts.
Safest bet is to clean shafts, install wraps and fletch. No more problems.