Well, arrived early to the farm today with a little time to kill and thought I would take you along on one of my outings. We have just had our first snow of the year and I was worried about being able to get to the back of the farm due to the wet ground.
This farm was all in corn this past season and driving closer to the good spots is now much easier.
Some farmers have combines that get every ear and then there are some that seem to leave more than they take.
This farmers is that way and although great for the deer it sure makes it tough to hunt when there is corn EVERYWHERE! There is no pattern to movements this season after it was cut and it is making my job pretty tough.
As soon as I step out of the truck there is sign of deer feeding from the night before.
Wind is coming from the NW today so over behind this barn I have a stand that will work perfectly.
This farm holds some dandies and also right outside the truck where I parked I notice a very large set of fresh tracks
This thicket is a huge bedding area and although I hunt just on the edges spooking bedded deer is always a worry. I reached the base of my tree without spooking any deer (that I am aware of). After getting all situated I snap one last photo and get all settled in for the evening.
The only action this night were 5 does and two small bucks all making their way out of the jungle like thicket to the corn in various places so nothing was harmed except for my pride on this evening. Oh well another wonderful sit of anticipation, a day not better spent.
Maybe next time...