Ive been horse trading and working with Jim Gainey a few years on a bow. To make a long story very short, Ive finally got one of Jims bows in the house.
The riser is a piece of CocoBola Ive had in my shop for about 5 years, was really not expecting much as far as "looks" but it sure came out nice, much more variation/color in the grain then I thought. I had Jim contour the handle a bit "tighter" up under the shelf, with a smaller throat. It feels very good, fills the hand without being "big" or "blocky".
The limb core is bamboo, with the limb veneers being Curly Maple. The Curly Maple was lightly stained, which makes for good camo around here. The tips and overlays are black phenolic with the same Cocobola from the riser over that.
The bow specs. are 58", #53@28. Of all the R/D bows ive had through my hands I would have to say this is the quietest of the more aggressive R/D bows. I would rate it right there with the better "D" strung bows as far as "silence". I mean there is nohting on release... no ping, pitch, twang, thump, thud etc... nothing. For me this is a big deal, maybe its all in my head but I do indeed like a silent bow.
Its also very well mannered, with no thump, shock or other vibratory shennanigans on release. Just dead in the hand.
Speed is about like other R/D bows, I dont have a chrono, nor do I chase speed. Its plenty fast, with good handling characterstics which are more important to me then numbers. It points up very naturally and there was no curve to shooting the bow well... Ive shot it well since Jim dropped it off.
Initially the brace was set at 7-3/4", but in tuning im running it just over 7 now and its still as quiet as it was at the higher brace, so thats where im gonna stick on brace... right around 7-1/8" - 7-1/4".
Enough of my rambling here are some pics-