Thought you guys might want to see some Treeshark results shot from a Hill Country Cree. Keep in mind this isn't the largest deer in the world but I was impressed.
I was worried about my shot on a deer that jumped the string. I also thought my poor penetration was due to short drawing after holding back for what seemed forever. I was wrong.
It seems the first shot entered through the back leg muscle and cut through the femur just before the joint. Completly shattering the leg as it stuck in and pulled out. The marrow completly cut through is the joint attached to the pelvic bone.
I then used that same arrow and head for a finishing shot at the end of the track. I didn't think about grabbing a fresh arrow in the heat of the moment. This shot was a hard quartered bedded deer and entered back cut 2 ribs on the far side and penetrated the far shoulder.
After removing the head I used it to slice a section of hide during field dressing. Still plenty sharp! Did I say I was impressed?