lot of good sense made here and I believe your post title "traditional mentality" can be taken more ways than one, it's not just about traditional archery equipment it's also about good old fashioned values. I'm into trad because it's challenging and because in some ways it's not challenging, I've missed some easy shots with training wheels that I probably would of slam dunked with a trad bow and vice versa, hell I missed a Bull elk at 7yds last year when I got all out of form and didn't realize it. It seems trad guys are just more fun too shoot with though, have witnessed that at multiple 3d shoots in a couple of states, they are hooping and hollering and giving each other grief and the compound guys are all serious and get mad if you breathe too loud:) Read on somebody's signature line, A compound never promised what a recurve couldn't deliver or something like that. Ethics are equipment blind in my oppinion! I don't get all wrapped up in whether somebody hoops and hollers when they get an animal or fist pump, if they eat the meat and love the animal they could be just as good of person as the guy that says a prayer and is stoic. Everybody displays emotions differently, now if they are doing it strictly as an act, well then they are fooling themselves! I just worry about myself for the most part, hell I hurt my face smiling for an hour and a half straight after I took my first deer with a bow yesterday. Walk the walk and not just talk the walk and set the example is all the more you can do in life!