Well, his book anyway :D . My wife and I celebrated our 10th anniversary this weekend up in Traverse City, Michigan, and I was able to read Charlie's book cover to cover. I guess that means either we're getting old (that I had that much free time :eek: ) or Charlie's book was that good. Maybe a little of both.
Also, while we were out to dinner last night I got a call from Allen Boice at Liberty Bows. I had placed an order for a Contender on or about December 18th, and he was calling to let me know he was about to apply finish! 66" 52@28, DARK myrtle riser and limbs with bamboo cores. Can't wait to see it!
Of course, I then had to explain to my wife that the call I took during dinner was very important...I had ordered another bow..."oooh, I didn't tell you?" That cost me a stop to the jewelry store on the way back to the parking ramp
All in all, we had a great weekend, but I missed my kids......and my bows.