well at least I ended the season on a high note of seeing 7 deer tonight. First 4 were 2 doe and yearlings, but to far out for a shot. Next I looked down and the cutest little yearling standing there. Did not have the heart to draw back. The doe came a little further out.I drew back on her, but a branch and a pine bow covered her vitals. I held till she followed the yearling. I sat for a little while longer,till darknes was settling in and I made the decision to call it. As I was packing things up I looked to my left and there stood a big doe at 10 yards. I reached for my arrow and it was not there, I went to get another from the quiver and I guess it was enough comotion for the doe to leave me hanging on the side of the tree wondering how I screwed up my last night with stick and string!! But weather was great for being January in WI.and I saw deer, another plus. So the night was not all bad. Now the wait for next year to redeem myself!!