Read Below for Special Club Pricing/Offers! Thank You, Tradgang! Karen and I woke up this morning to find that (at least for now) our book "Longbow: A Hunting Life" is #1 on Amazon's Kindle (e-Book) Archery list! We know that TradGang Members were a great part of that success. Here's what folks have been saying!
"One of the absolute best reads I've had my hands on in outdoor writing. Different, heart touching, a can't-put-it-down read. Both thumbs up!" David Mitchell
"One of the best written books I've read in a LONG time. While this is a hunting book ... it is much more than that. Exceptionally well done." Terry Receveur
"All I can say is Wow!! Great writing. Couldn't put it down once I started. I have always considered Dr. Thomas as the standard for outdoor writers. Your book will sit comfortably on the canoe book shelf right next to his. Your style is refreshing and honest. Thank You." Brian Thibodeau
"Campbell is the needle, the reader is the thread. Prepare to be woven through a complex fabric of life, love, loss, and retribution on a globe trotting journey." David Tetzlaff
"This is a masterfully written book by one of traditional archery's great adventurers." Don Davis
We have been working with club representatives to provide books for banquet and shoot prizes at reduced rates, just shoot me a message. Here's 2 Special Offers to consider:
Special Offer #1:: buy 10 books for your club at $15 each (plus bulk shipping), and we will donate $50 to your club!
Special Offer #2! if you are a club rep and buy a book for yourself at retail ($19), we'll send you another one endorsed to the club at no charge for your shoot/Banquet.
At this point we have given away well over 150 books, one way or another, to clubs, soldiers, folks who just couldn't pay, etc. And last, for any of you who wish to read "Longbow" in the new year, the e-book is $8.95 on, and the paperback is still on sale, signed and endorsed by Karen and me, for $14.99 (for another two weeks, then it goes back to $19) at Thanks Again! - Jay and Karen Campbell