Read a few pages of responses - just didn't have time for them all today. I'll throw in my $.02 in case somebody wants to read 10 pages to get to it.
I played with the compound for one or two seasons. That was around 15 years ago. I did it because I enjoyed the camaraderie of the wheel-bow shooters I knew then and ... I was younger and more impressionable.
It didn't work for me. IMHO, for quietness, lethality, and accurate shooting under real hunting conditions, the trad bow is the superior weapon (in capable hands of course).
I do own firearms but have very little emotional attachment to them or their use. They are tools. But they allow me to experience the camaraderie I mentioned earlier (I don't have any "trad" friends where I live), especially with my two boys who love to hunt with firearms but not bows ... yet.
When I bow hunt, now and forever, it will be with a "traditional" bow. When my boys pick up the bug, I suspect we will be 99% bow hunters. I just prefer it to any other form of hunting.