This is an interesting thread. The information posted is sincere and represents the experience of a lot of folks. I wouldn't contest anyone's opinion on this issue.
It does point out to me though that the variables involved in comparing well made broadheads are almost infinite. Such things as bow performance, arrow weight, arrow tuning, archer's form, shot placement, animal's "attitude", angle, sharpness, ... on and on.
I'm sure nearly everyone here with years of experience with identical set-ups, can report differences in broadhead performance that can't be explained.
For every few positive anecdotes someone else will have an dramatically different story to tell.
Of course these kinds of posts/questions are relevant. The questioning archer is simply trying to minimize the learning curve and skip a bad experience or two.
I reckon one is left to go with the advice of a couple of folks who shoot similar set-ups with success and hope for the best.
I've shot 2-blades for probably 30 years of my 42 years of bowhunting ("both" kinds of bows) with no complaints. I've been shooting 2 blades for each of the last 3 years I've returned to recurves, again with positive results (although not perfect but the imperfections are my fault for poor shot placement).
I do hate the idea of a 2-blade sliding by veins and arteries that if cut would help with recovery. The 3-blade should, if it penetrates deep enough, catch and disrupt those nearby blood vessels. That is IF it penetrates deep enough is the key question.