To clarify, I was out hunting on a Day hunt and not in a position to save the skin due to temperatures rising and not heading out of the woods still night.
So no the skin was not saved and not in a condition to save if you noticed on a couple of the pic’s the Simmon’s Tiger Shark ripped through the head and into the body some 11’ down and the blunt left a couple of holes to.
I walk the woods a lot and I don’t kill every snake I see, but one of this size don’t normally survive due to my desire to live to hunt again
My intent with the post title was not to ask if the skin would work but to get your attention to the sheer size of this monster! It was the biggest to date that i’ve seen, and i’ve see a few each year. I didn’t do an autopsy due to time and hunting that afternoon, but it appears by the size of it belly that a very large rabbit or something bigger was consumed.