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Author Topic: Will this Skin make my bow look Fat? (Update to Mystery Stomach Contents page 5)  (Read 4324 times)

Offline hardwaymike

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Also, and I mean no offense by this, but, I woulda been done with deer for the day after shooting a whopper like that one. We were showed some pics of big ones taken out of Ft.Bliss when we were there in 08. There were a couple that were that long but were obviously still hungry compared to that one, lol.
"A road is a dagger placed in the heart of a wilderness." -William O. Douglas

Believe it or not the "HARDWAY" is often the EASIER way(in hindsight)!
Bear Cub #48@28"

Online Hawkeye

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I really like your pic with the head laying across the riser of the bow.  That's a B-I-G snake!
Daryl Harding
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Traditional bowhunting is often a game of seconds... and inches!

Offline twistedlim

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Originally posted by hardwaymike:
Also, and I mean no offense by this, but, I woulda been done with deer for the day after shooting a whopper like that one. We were showed some pics of big ones taken out of Ft.Bliss when we were there in 08. There were a couple that were that long but were obviously still hungry compared to that one, lol.
Wondering the same thing?  No offense but why did you kill it if not to use the skins, mount or eat it? Am I being a buzz kill here?

Offline Robhood23

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Looks like a cottontail to me!
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Offline S.C. Hunter

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Grey squirrel possible fox squirrel with hide beginning to seperate from the carcass.
USMC 82-86

Offline John Scifres

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Either 2 rabbits or 2 squirrels.  It's fascinating how the rear feet are lined up the same way on both of them.
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TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline RC

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Biggest I`ve ever seen and I`ve seen a lot. Folks that don`t have snakes under there doorsteps and in there barn don`t realize how NOT fun these things are.On cool evenings they will lay on your stone or cement steps for the warmth...good chance you would step there huh?. I don`t kill every snake I see either but if its a place I hunt a lot and will be coming back too they won`t make it.
 Thank the Good Lord you were not bitten. RC

Offline South MS Bowhunter

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To those with concerns it's as simple as I've stated earlier in the thread and again as RC mentioned, these snakes will hurt or kill you quick! Where I hunt I only have one or two places to get a signal for my cell and if this one or others like it ever get me in a place where I don't I'm  in trouble. You live and learn.

It was one very large rabbit in it's stomach.
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Offline centaur

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I'm not sure, but that could be a small horse inside that buzzworm. Yeow!   :scared:
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Offline Kingsnake

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Jimmy Hoffa?

Offline Killdeer

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Judge Crater.

Killdeer   :D
Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.


TGMM Family Of The Bow

Offline hardwaymike

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I don't have any snakes layin on my porch(thank god), but do understand why you shot it. I just meant that, with that one I would have forgot all about deer hunting and would strapped that giant to the hood and drove it around town. Kinda like someone in Africa, if they shot a "maneater"! Gotta show everyone,lol! I am a little different than you guys that said you don't kill every one you find though, I would. Just in case. I don't mind the things they eat as much as I mind the snakes!
"A road is a dagger placed in the heart of a wilderness." -William O. Douglas

Believe it or not the "HARDWAY" is often the EASIER way(in hindsight)!
Bear Cub #48@28"

Offline South MS Bowhunter

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John, that was what I thought you meant, and looking back probably should have.
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Offline Jedimaster

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I used to hunt Camp Shelby south of Hattiesburg quite a bit.  That was over 10 years ago.  Back then it seemed overrun with them.  I know I counted seven one day walking in to my stand during early season.   It was illegal (so I was told) to kill them - at least there on the base.  

The biggest one I ever saw was similar in size to yours.  I killed him with a handgun & it still shook me up.  Until you've seen one that size up close, and alive, you just don't know how scared you can be of a snake.  

I still think the eastern diamondback is the most beautiful of all our poisonous snakes.  Far more striking (pun intended) than it's western cousin or even a copperhead for that matter.  But I don't miss living in their bedroom!
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Offline bornagainbowhunter

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I have not seen one that big in AR.  That thing is just a toad!
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. Psalms 3:3

Offline Dirtybird

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Are you sure it wasn't a baby Sasquatch?  Ha ha....

Offline South MS Bowhunter

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It's feet were big....Big Feet, Big Foot get it... Oh nevermind.
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Offline BDann

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Good grief!  I'm getting the willies just looking at that thing!  That snake is huuuuuuge!

Offline graybarkhunter

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What a monster.. I've found gray squirrels in our timber rattlers but never something that big. Congrats on the kill

Offline Froggy

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That is the Alpha of Rattlers. I have killed a 5' 8" at the tip of my boots, and that one of your's makes it look like a garter snake. One evil looking creature. Largest fangs I have ever seen on a Rattler as well....put's me in mind of Gaboon Viper fangs !!! Dang what a shame the skin couldn't be saved for a board at least.

TGMM  >>>>---------> Family of the bow

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