I'm curious why you would book such a late bowhunt? The very best thing we bowhunters have going for us with elk is the Sept. season, when the animals are rutting and bugling, the vegetation is still thick, the weather pleasant and often perfect, the game not spooked (unless there are ATVs and too many fool-buglers around) and the woods relatively uncrowded. Why throw all of this away to hunt late, when elk are spooked, aspen and other deciduous leaves have dropped so it's hard to get close to elk, hunters are everywhere, and elk are hyper-spooked? And if NM is like CO, you'll be required to wear orange in any gun season, not matter that you're hunting with a bow. Sure, you can make the most of it, win or lose, but for the money and effort involved, I'd wait a year and go in Sept. I've tried hunting elk here in SW CO -- a hundred GPS miles or so from Chama -- in Oct. rifle seasons, and it absolutely doesn't work and is not much fun.