As said earlier, Friday morning it rained like a cow relieving itself on a flat rock... Most stayed in camp, but a few did make it out into ground blinds... I was one of the former... Well needed sleep was a blessing.
Got to shoot with some other members while we prepped for the afternoon hunt. Soda cans, water bottles, 3D deer, nothing was safe...
Afternoon hunt was still drizzling, but not the downpour we had in the AM. I found myself in another stand that I had never seen on the ranch. Very nice setup with a tripod stuck into thick cover. Feeder was about 25 yards away in a small opening in thick cover. Wind was in my face, all looking good...
Again Roberts truck was still in hearing distance when I saw movement straight out in front of me. 2 does a button buck and a small 4 point came off the ridge in front of me and started feeding on the corn Robert had dispensed before leaving. Another 2 does, and 2 yearlings worked into the area about the time the feeder went off the first time. All fed until the feeder went off the second time. Right after that another small 4 point came into the area, along with a good 8 point with a broken G3 on the right hand side... tall, heavy, but narrow... probably right at the ears inside. They all milled around, and the two 4 points sparred a little. The 8 point worked right over to me, less then 15 yards, drew on him several times but never dropped the string.
Right around a half hour before dark, I had several pigs work into the area and all the deer worked out... There was one hog that had obviously been shot previously as he was dragging his hind legs from about mid body back. Didn't slow him down in the least. Eating and pulling himself around with his front legs. Since the deer were out of the area I went into pig shooting mode. There was a 80 pound or so silver male that had my interest. Eventually he moved into position broadside to partially quartering away at 15 - 17 yards. Drew down and burned a hole in the pocket and let the arrow loose. At the shot, he jumped forward and away from me and my arrow went right between his front legs less then an inch under his chest!
Kicking myself again for the missed shot I waited alone in the rain until Robert arrived to pick me up after dark... Arrow confirmed what I had saw and was clean sticking in the dirt...