2nd night at solana.
When we got back everyone was jealous well not my dad and Mr.Terry had killed a hog.
When we went to breakfast we had another delicious meal.
when we went to our evening hunts I was the first one to be dropped off.
About an hour later a group of deer came in 2 button bucks and 3 does I saw one dominant doe and when one of the button bucks came and was eating next to her it spook it off and then a hole bunch came along.
I said okay i'm going to shoot the biggest doe but then some squealing came along and scared away the deer.
Then about thirty minutes later some hogs came in and there was one that I wanted to bust so bad even tough he wasn't the biggest one but ohh.
He was Clemson tiger color. but then the biggest hog scared it off so then daylight was fading there was the second biggest hog in range so I decided to take him out shot at him but it was one of those moments where as soon as the string hits the point wham you let er rip.
Here's the thing about the shot and not heeding Mr.Don's warning I shot bad into the back part of the pig.
When the other pigs had left and I got picked up I Said it wasn't good but lets look for it then I had to go back to the tree to grab something coming back to the others I saw my arrow out on the ground and it was bloody.Then i said here's the arrow and when my dad saw it we let the dogs out then about a hundred yards away there he was shot in the back piercing the artery that my dad will saw what it is and I said it was a lucky shot then I was taught something you guys will take luck over skill any day.
That's it for tonight.