Acclimation is the only true way to acclimate yourself to altitudes. When I arrived at White Sands Missle Range, we were MADE to run 2 miles the 1st full day we were there. Elevation was near 5000' (I know it's not that high, but coming from 700', it was a killer). I don't remember my time, but I failed the time I need to be under 15:54 for 2 miles (I believe I was over 18:00 minutes) 1 week later we were MADE once again (I view running as a spectator sport), my new time was where it shoyld have been, well below 14:00 for 2 miles. I did not use any suppliments, or wive's tale remedies, just time at that elevation.
That's about all I can add to this topic, except to say...Bonjour...