Possum Head, he actually hit the weight correct - he made this bow for himself originally.
These guys used to only make recurves and I told Don that when he got his longbow design perfected that I would buy one from him. He made two bows like the one I got; one 56" long and one 60" long and wanted me to see if I liked them. Well, I loved them both but just wasn't hoss enough to shoot them. So Don told me that he would lighten up whichever one I wanted if I committed to buy it ($300!) I couldn't pass up a deal like that and I just loved the way the 60" bow felt in my hands.
Don called me a week later and said he had the bow down to my weight so I went over to his shop to shoot it. Me and that bow instantly clicked! Don then refinished it and I am now a proud owner of one of his creations.