if you think about it, it would take an impossibly enormous and complex amount of code to be able to take into account all of the myriad of variables - perhaps into the millions - between the seemingly simple bow, arrow and archer.
which is why such "shaft/arrow selection" software is typically fair to middling at best, and can never ever be relied on to work very well even most of the time.
if you were to ask 20 archers to be very specific about how the calculator worked for them for the parameters they entered, you would at least get 20 very slightly different to wildly different answers. getting their opinions will be just that - their opinions of how they manipulated the software to work for them, not you. particularly software that has built in "fudge factors".
if you need assistance with stu's shaft/arrow calculator, please take your questions to stu and not trad gang. we will all be better served by that, and thank you.