Yesterday a small bunch of TG'ers, and some friends got together at Shawn's to chase was a hunt beyond anyone's expectation!!
There were 10 of us to start. The way we hunt at Shawn's is kinda like driving deer. We send "watchers" around to the far end of the cover we're hunting, then the "pusher's" try to nudge the bunnies to the watchers.
Sometimes the pushers get the shots, but mostly it's the watchers that get to shoot.
Hopefully some of the other guys will get on here a tell their own stories of the hunt
1st push I set out the watchers and took the end spot. Cade was off to my left...


Lots of shooting, and a couple connections..."Indianabowman"(Terry), "Homer"(Matt),Shawn, and Gary...unbelievable start!

Matt and Cade(aka-GuruII)...

The watchers heading for the next patch of cover...Terry, Tim "TimmyK", Cade, and Matt...

We gave them some time to in place and we started in...Shawn was the first to score about half way thru the push. Shortly after Shawn saw a rabbit between us and we closed in on it and it showed on my side of the briars. First shot appeared to to stun the rabbit with a grazing head shot, the 2nd shot was on the money!
Then, as usual, as we closed in on the watchers things got exciting and up ahead of me I hear the "whoops and hollers" sounded like they were yelling and congratulating Cade!
That's right...Cade had killed his 1st rabbit!!
He continues to make me so proud!

How cool for Shawn and I to also kill a bunny on the same push as Cade killed his first ever...

Hopefully someone will write the story of how Cade's hunt "happened"....I'd sure like to read it!
Some random shots....

to be cont......