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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????  (Read 2149 times)

Offline flinthead

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2013, 04:39:00 AM »
If you really want a light arrow for 3-d or target , my Titan ILF needs 5-6 GPP to be safe.I hunt with the limbbolts bottomed out at 50# with heavier arrows and back up to 45# and a light arrow for indoor shooting in winter. My ILF rig is not as good looking as my Dye, Hummingbird, or Widow-- but it is almost bulletproof. Agree that everyone should shoot what they want-- as long as it is safe. Thanks, Roy
Maybe it is time to shoot what I have on the rack

Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2013, 09:15:00 AM »
Originally posted by Nativestranger:
Originally posted by Flying Dutchman:
Originally posted by RecurveRookie:
I'm just sittin' here drinking coffee, listening to the grown-ups talk!  I shoot 8 gpp, but really...thanks for the lesson!.....  Dutchman!!  You are cool.  Heavy arrows just for 3D.  Best Wishes!
I know I am cool:) But I have no choice.... I shoot wooden arrows and my bows are between the 45 and 50 lbs. My woodies are around the 450 grains. That's the reason why I shoot heavy arrows..they are autmatically between the 9 and 10 GPP...

But now I am working on some carbons. They will be around the 8.5 to 8.9 GPP..... [/b]
What's your draw length Ad? How far are those typical targets on your 3d course and do you need to arc the arrow trajectory much to get them? [/b]
My drawlength is 29. The lbs of 45 between 50 is at that drawlenght.The typical distance of targets is between the 20 and 70 yards, depending on how big the target is. At close range it is pheasants, rats, ducks and stuff like that, at 70 yards it are grizzleys and elks.

Since I shoot very fast bows and low-FOC (9 to 10%) arra's, the trajectory is very flat, even at distances like 70 yards.I hardly compensate. I only need to compensate with my 45lbs Peregrine. But with that bow I shoot around the 10 GPP.That's why I move over for that bow to carbons, which will give me a weight between the 8.5 and 9 GPP. They are not ready yet, so I don't know exactly yet what the final weight will be.That will also depend on the tuning.  But one thing is sure: those are going to be the prettiest arrows you ever saw....
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string! [/i]                            :rolleyes:              
Cari-bow Peregrine
Whippenstick Phoenix
Timberghost ordered
SBD strings on all, what else?

Offline Bobaru

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2013, 09:22:00 AM »
Not too sure what the big deal is.  There are advantages and disadvantages to about everything - no reason why heavy arrows or light arrows would be any different.

One bow, I'm shooting about 9.0 gpp.  Works great.  Took me a long time to tune.

Another bow, I'm shooting 6.9 gpp.  Works great.  Did extensive testing and it penetrates as well as heavier arrows.  So, I took it bear hunting and the results were okay.  

As far as blowing up my bow, well, possibly.  I don't know.  Been shooting these arrows for years and no problems yet.  I sure I put well over 20,000 arrows out of the bow per year.  

Problem is this:  if my bow doesn't blow up, it doesn't provide much data that is relevant.  If it does blow up, it doesn't provide much data that is relevant.  

Someone did a survey here a year back or so.  Only about 1% of people on this forum use arrows 7gpp or less.  That's somewhat interesting.  Personally, I think light arrow folks (heavy arrow folks too) should go and do their thing. Who really cares if people are in the minority on this issue?  Frankly, I don't understand why anyone would be angry at another person's personal choices, so long as it doesn't affect them.  But, if someone wants to pull the tread or worse over a simple opinion, well then, okay then.

 "A man has to control himself before he can control his bow." Jay Massey

Offline Brock

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2013, 09:28:00 AM »
if more people only worried about what THEY liked and were shooting....and getting to be the best they can be using THEIR SETUPS.....and stopped worrying about the idiotic MANLAW stuff and impressing some or asking for confirmation from others....they would be much better off.

archery is a lot like flyfishing or even golf....you need to learn your equipment, gain confidence, and then put it to action.  no amount of affirmation, support or instruction from others is going to be successfull unless you put the work in.

Impress yourself...and dont worry about other opinions.
Keep em sharp,

Ron Herman
Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
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Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2013, 09:29:00 AM »
I agree. Everybody should shoot as he or she likes. My experience is, that when I go much under the 9 GPP, my set-up becomes to nervous and not forgivin at all, no matter what bow.
I also like my different set-ups all around the 9 GPP. That makes is easy to switch.
But as you said, each to his own!
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string! [/i]                            :rolleyes:              
Cari-bow Peregrine
Whippenstick Phoenix
Timberghost ordered
SBD strings on all, what else?

Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #45 on: January 15, 2013, 09:39:00 AM »
obviously it's all personal, and we'll all do what we like.  totally cool.  

the issue i see isn't with yer choice of arrow gpp, nor is it with the bearpaw bows themselves - it's with the bearpaw 30 year unconditional guarantee where any arrow weight out of any of their bows is covered.  that, to me, is nonsense on more than one level.  but to each their own.  

when a guy standing next to me launches an arrow that clearly, through audio and visual criteria, is far too light mass weight for the bow's holding weight, i'll give that feller lots of room ... i'm outta there.  

i've been on the shooting line, next to an archer when his bow blew limbs and string, and yeah, his alum arrow was a feather weight.  not at all fun, and we're both lucky to have escaped serious injury.

guys who wanna hunt medium size game like deer and hog with under 9gpp, that's just fine with me.  i wouldn't, simply because i know what 10-12 gpp will do on those critters and that stacks the odds of quick death and recovery in my favor.  not to mention how much quieter a heavier arrow will be on the release.

again, it's all good, and we have only our selves to blame or thank for our actions.
IAM ~ The only government I trust is my .45-70 ... and my 1911.

Offline tuscarawasbowman

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #46 on: January 15, 2013, 09:56:00 AM »
Originally posted by Brock:
if more people only worried about what THEY liked and were shooting....and getting to be the best they can be using THEIR SETUPS.....and stopped worrying about the idiotic MANLAW stuff and impressing some or asking for confirmation from others.

archery is a lot like flyfishing or even golf....you need to learn your equipment, gain confidence, and then put it to action.  no amount of affirmation, support or instruction from others is going to be successfull unless you put the work in.

Impress yourself...and dont worry about other opinions.
:thumbsup:    :thumbsup:

Offline Sixby

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #47 on: January 15, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »
Rob X2  Well said sir!!!!

Offline mmilinovich

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2013, 12:11:00 PM »
I shoot a static recurve made by Kevin TerMaat (i.e. RER bows).  My arrow is 6.9 gpp.  The bow, with only catwhiskers for silencing, is very quiet.

I've had my RER for exactly one year.  Over that time, I've shot in excess of 25,000 arrows.  Problems?  ZERO.

And yes, I told Kevin in advance of ordering that I'd be shooting 7gpp.  He didn't flinch, saying: "No problem."

A well-made bow will handle 7gpp!  I wouldn't buy a bow from a bowyer who doesn't have that confidence in his product.


Offline Bob Morrison

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2013, 01:11:00 PM »
If you want a forever warrantee go with Bearpaw. You know what the other bowyers warrantees are so quit bitching and buy the Bearpaw.

Online leatherneck

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Re: Warranty for less then 8 GPP ?????
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2013, 01:47:00 PM »
1-year,30year, none of that matters when you are on the first day of that 10 day hunt of a lifetime and your bow blows up. Why would anyone want to take that chance is beyond me. 8.00 gpp has been the unwritten rule for a long time and for good reason. So why risk going under that is my only question. To each his own.
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