obviously it's all personal, and we'll all do what we like. totally cool.
the issue i see isn't with yer choice of arrow gpp, nor is it with the bearpaw bows themselves - it's with the bearpaw 30 year unconditional guarantee where any arrow weight out of any of their bows is covered. that, to me, is nonsense on more than one level. but to each their own.
when a guy standing next to me launches an arrow that clearly, through audio and visual criteria, is far too light mass weight for the bow's holding weight, i'll give that feller lots of room ... i'm outta there.
i've been on the shooting line, next to an archer when his bow blew limbs and string, and yeah, his alum arrow was a feather weight. not at all fun, and we're both lucky to have escaped serious injury.
guys who wanna hunt medium size game like deer and hog with under 9gpp, that's just fine with me. i wouldn't, simply because i know what 10-12 gpp will do on those critters and that stacks the odds of quick death and recovery in my favor. not to mention how much quieter a heavier arrow will be on the release.
again, it's all good, and we have only our selves to blame or thank for our actions.