With the crappy broadhead adapters that are being made today, the broadhead strength is not the weak link. For wood arrows, definitely use glue-on heads. For carbon or aluminum arrows, you are probably better off with screw-in heads than a glue-on with an adapter. I sure wish someone would start making good quality, heat treated adapters again. Perhaps the best dangerous game broadhead made is the Tuffhead glue-on, but the commercially available steel broadhead adapters bend too easily and the very expensive titanium adapters are too light. There are ANSI spec steel bolts at the hardware store for a reasonable cost, so there is no reason adapters couldn't be made that way. There have been high quality steel broadhead adapters manufactured to similar specs in the past, but no one seems to be making them today, probably due to the low demand volume and the high tooling costs. If you want high strength in a broadhead that eliminates the need for a crappy adapter and never seems to fail, look at VPA. For deer, just about anything is strong enough.