Was able to get out for an afternoons adventure today. I road over to a local WMA not really knowing what to expect. I have not been on it since October but have hunted it for many years and if pork was on it I knew a few places to look.
I parked the truck at a gated walk in area and headed for the swamp.I gotta admit it felt good. Iv`e not been able to hunt much for different reasons and an afternoon all to myself with a new bow in my hand was gonna be sweet...pig or not.
I took a few shots along the way and they were all on the money. I dropped off in the swamp and headed toward the River. Probably a mile and half away. Went through a lot of pork sign and had to stop and get a pic of some...

Neat looking bow rack here..gives you an idea of how tall these Cypress knees are...

Neat tree...

On to the Ocmulgee...

I sat here and took a pic of the River and sent a text to a couple good friends. Rested the legs a bit and admired a beautiful bow in my lap. I had been sick a few weeks ago and since tearing my calf a couple of years ago I have got badly out of shape. I have committed to shaping up and today was to be the beginning. I plan to hunt with Pat Kelly again and walk till he sez "Uncle". If you know Pat you know that will be a task.
I headed on a bearing across the swamp to a honey hole I have killed a lot of Winter pork on. Walked in a lot of sign along the way. I sat down again on a log and relaxed. Maybe dozed a minute or so then heard a pig squeal. I got the wind right and struck out for them. I finally spotted them and started sneaking in. there were about a half dozen 60 lb shoats and two sows with 6 thats right 6 big boars around. A sow was ripe and it was a constant fight between the boars . The woods were very thick and I worked my way to the action on my hands and knees. I got to within 15 yards of the shoats and was ready to shoot as soon as one hit an opening.....