I add this to Doc Nock's comments...Before this post or thread gets removed because either we start getting off-track, or by it’s natural process to become a political debate, or offend any member, I think we need to first look at the facts and the existing law of the land. I am not trying to preach or lecture, however, while I agree that in principle this post violates the rules of posting on TG, the fact that this recent trend in the US has turned to a very serious violation, on all accounts, the risk of losing all our freedoms, that to an extent we have taken for granted, or becomes so restricted that you do not really have any. Below, I listed arguments and my opinions for the membership to ponder before we just argue over our personal opinions or call each other out for them. Hopefully, I can demonstrate why IMHO, I agree to keep this thread going and the reasons why this issue is relevant to all bow hunting in general not just Traditional Archery. Therefore, the main thrust of the original topic or post dealt with the actions of a major outdoor show’s promoter's position and taking a stance; and the reaction by vendors, guests and the public not agreeing with them. Therefore, if we just ignore the topic and allow only knee jerk politicians and uninformed public to go on without any restraint, because its not popular or mainstream, then why have any laws, convictions, or principles? We need to stick together and not allow to be divided and fight amongst ourselves.
Below I listed what the real underlying facts why this topic is very serious and should not be taken lightly.
Section 1.
{Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."}
Article II (which outlines the duties of the Executive Branch)
Executive Orders (EO)
{In times of emergency, the president can override congress and issue executive orders with almost limitless power.}
Our president and politicians have taken a position and stance that they can circumnavigate the constitution by using either passing laws, EO(s), without and real opposition or without the support (or vote) from congress, the house or legislators. The scary thought is that they seem to be succeeding, unopposed and building support by the uninformed, misguided, or fear of not being mainstream or popular. The second amendment protects us, "...the right of the people
to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Which arrows and bows are a type of "arms" And “Freedom” is meaningless without security, whether it is a firearm, or bow? Therefore, this left/right; Republican/Democrat; liberal/conservative dog and pony show should not leave most Americans willing to sacrifice the other side's rights in order to preserve "our" side's.
My 2 Centavos,