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Author Topic: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment  (Read 10163 times)

Offline gringol

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #220 on: January 25, 2013, 10:50:00 AM »
We're talking up quite a storm here.  How many of you have contacted your pigs (e.g. representatives) in D.C.?  If there's anything they understand it is losing an election, so let them hear it.

Offline Iron Man2

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #221 on: January 25, 2013, 11:29:00 AM »
After all these serious discussions (debates) I thought we need a chuckle while still on point and topic:

The following I am quoting comment on Huff Post reporting on the boycott, (which by the way is a liberal media and most of their followers are anti-gun).

“The initial decision on Jan. 16 to bar the display of assault weapons at the family-themed event was made in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Connecticut, a tragedy which galvanized public support for broader gun safety laws and led to a vigorous debate over the merits of civilian ownership of "modern sporting rifles" (MSRs).”

According to Reed Exhibitions' United States President Chet Burchett, "in the current climate, we felt that the presence of MSRs would distract from the theme of hunting and fishing, disrupting the broader experience of our guests. This was intended simply as a product decision, of the type event organizers need to make every day."   :biglaugh:

Like I said before, all weapons will be on the list.

JL   :archer2:
W/training wheels: Mathews 70# @ 28.5"
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No matter how you slice it...it tastes that much better when it was earned the hard way.

Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #222 on: January 25, 2013, 11:47:00 AM »
that the reed exhibitions banned "assault weapons" is just ludicrous and clearly panders to both the uninformed ignorant public, and those nefarious well heeled people that actively seek to have all americans lay down their weapons.

the most insane bit about gun control is the term "assault weapon".  anyone who knows anything about guns - rifles, shotguns, handguns - knows that it takes much more than a name to make a difference in a firearm.  

true assault weapons are fully automatic capable and ruggedly built for extremely hard use and environments, such as the much used h&k 416 and all the other iterations of the ar15.  in its semi-automatic format it's no different than any other sporting weapon, and in fact it IS a sporting weapon, not an "assault weapon".
IAM ~ The only government I trust is my .45-70 ... and my 1911.

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #223 on: January 25, 2013, 11:51:00 AM »
An honerable thing was done.A stand was made. Unfortunate that I have not seen anything about it other than here. What does get out already has the spin on it. Is there a way to get the real story out there? Let the public know this was indeed a stand made for our rights....that difference was made. I hear so many people that dont like what is going on but just blow it off saying "theres nothin we can do about it" I beg to differ......but we need more! Stop being sheep. Maybe we should call Rush.
>>>---TGMM, Family of the Bow--->

Offline xtrema312

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #224 on: January 25, 2013, 11:52:00 AM »
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.

Firefly Long Bow  James 4:14
60" MOAB 54@29 James 1:17

Michigan Longbow Association

Offline Moots

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #225 on: January 25, 2013, 12:28:00 PM »
I applaud them for doing what they think is right, but I do not share their views.

Offline wapitirod

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #226 on: January 25, 2013, 12:37:00 PM »
Originally posted by Rob DiStefano:
(clearly, i realize this is going off topic, but hopefully in a good way as i see it tying right into the reasoning why pa gun show debacle occurred)

i hear ya, bill - and totally agree.

how do you protect and defend in a school?  imho, with FORCE if need be.  what is "force"?  trained personnel carrying weapons.

to me, this is so stupidly logical that even children can both understand and agree.  but the politcos will not hear of it.  instead, they'll just make it harder to own a gun, will not allow armed security in most schools, will not allow teachers to legally carry (CCW) in schools, will not allow ANY guns in schools.  just totally insane and setting the picture up for another newtown.
I am big on reading quotes from the founding fathers so as to discern their true meaning in the Bill of Rights.  Rob this goes along with what you said there.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." --Patrick Henry
89' Brackenbury Drifter 72# @28
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I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.- John Wayne

Offline xtrema312

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #227 on: January 25, 2013, 01:28:00 PM »
Originally posted by Rob DiStefano:
(clearly, i realize this is going off topic, but hopefully in a good way as i see it tying right into the reasoning why pa gun show debacle occurred)

i hear ya, bill - and totally agree.

how do you protect and defend in a school?  imho, with FORCE if need be.  what is "force"?  trained personnel carrying weapons.

to me, this is so stupidly logical that even children can both understand and agree.  but the politcos will not hear of it.  instead, they'll just make it harder to own a gun, will not allow armed security in most schools, will not allow teachers to legally carry (CCW) in schools, will not allow ANY guns in schools.  just totally insane and setting the picture up for another newtown.
Wow Rob could you get me going on this one!  We have a governor I support for the most part, but he just vetoed legislation that would have permitted concealed carry in way more places in our state including schools.  At the same time, Texas is training teachers to shoot and carry.  I am thinking Texas has its head on straight, and we still have too much influence from the east side.

I work for a company that specializing in K-12 school construction.  I see firsthand what happens in schools for security.  I hear all about the issue, and I have been part of many discussions on school security.  You can imagine what has been going on recently for me.  The talk of bullet proof glass, special locks in classrooms, boarding up windows, closing off window between halls and rooms……………. Is very interesting to see what people think will make a school safer.  The reality is that unless you have a huge budget, you can’t do a whole lot to really make a school safe from really motivated psychotics with any reasonably well thought out plan.  Honestly, my basic house with nothing special but a dead bolt is probably more secure than a school.

The building and safety codes for schools are all about getting out of the building for student safety.  It is about lots of doors and in non-fire suppressed building, big exit windows in every student occupied room.  This makes security mostly only effective against those with less than mass murder intentions.  It is impossible to secure a building when all it takes is a rock to get in.

Up until recently, most schools were way more concerned with the problems with kids, busses, and parents in parking lots than with armed intruders.  That was because parents with cars ignoring signs and rules is a way bigger safety issue than mass murders.

I have also worked on jails and prisons.  Those are very different than schools.  I don’t want my kids school being in a prison.  In addition, I do not want them to feel like they are so at risk that they have to be in lockdown all the time.  

I do believe we need to do more to keep our kids safe. We should continue to do the right things to make schools reasonably safe and improve where possible. Schools as impenetrable fortresses and gun control are not viable and reasonable solutions for dealing with a few nuts and some serious issues with our current society.  I have no problem with properly trained staff and visitors having a gun in a school.  I know that they will make a difference if someone comes in the building with bad intentions.  
If I was to worry about my kids and school, it would be that they would be hurt on the bus, crossing a crosswalk, on the playground, or playing sports.  These things carry far higher likelihood of serious injury or death then being shot in school.  I read something a while back about kid’s safety in school related activities.  I think something like 700-800 school kids are killed every year going to or coming from schools.  Most in private vehicle, walking and biking accidents.  

Life is unpredictable and none of us will survive it. I believe it being prepared as best as you can for today, tomorrow and eternity.   Then live life without fear or the need for politicians to do something to give you false sense of security so you can sleep at night.
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.

Firefly Long Bow  James 4:14
60" MOAB 54@29 James 1:17

Michigan Longbow Association

Offline Beanbag

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #228 on: January 25, 2013, 02:52:00 PM »
These are the times that try men"s souls.A lot of good input here.WE are in a full court press right now in this country. Just watched a news brief about how some church is coming out anti gun. What happened to separation of church and state. Wait that"s only good if you have an agenda. Hang on people.

Offline Greg Skinner

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #229 on: January 25, 2013, 03:27:00 PM »
As I follow this thread I continue to be amazed at the insight and savvy of my fellow TradGangers.  Bowhunting and traditional archery is my number one activity and interest, aside from work, family etc.  and, though I don’t post very often,  I check into this site almost everyday at least once, if not more.  Rob and Terry, thank you for your input and for allowing this thread to remain.

I’ve watched the erosion of gun ownership rights over the past 50 odd years.  One of the original arguments the antis used in promoting the 1968 Gun Control Act was “is the gun suitable for sporting purposes?”  I’m gratified to see the number of individuals here on TradGang as well as across the nation who see that the 2nd Amendment is not about weapons for sporting purposes.  However, the Diane Feinsteins are still hammering on that phrase for leverage in seeking passage of more gun control.  It is a step by step process.  Google 1968 Gun Control Act and you can see how insidious it has been.  And we as citizens have accepted each new restriction; which is why I must applaud Gene and Barry and all the others who have taken the stand for what it right.

It is interesting to see how the media handles gun control.  This morning on the front page of the local newspaper (the Lewiston Tribune) was the headline “Feinstein unveils new assault-weapon ban”.  Back in Section E, the Outdoors Section the headline is “Major groups join outdoor show boycott”.  They weren’t even up to date enough to know (and print) that the ESOS had in fact been cancelled/postponed.  

Many of you who have posted on this thread have done an excellent job of summarizing the issues involved, so I will not be redundant.  I would like to point out something, though, to those who don’t think this issue has anything to do with traditional archery.  Read the Hunger Games trilogy if you don’t think traditional bows can be used as weapons for military purposes and regulated as such.  And while you are at it, think about how the Capitol controlled the Districts with an iron hand (i.e. the Peacekeepers).  Does it not have a familiar ring to it?  Makes one wonder how much is fiction and how much is potential reality.

Finally, I would like to point out that although we can all recognize many evils of modern technology, I am thankful that we have the means to communicate with other like-minded individuals through internet sites such as this.  At least we can live in our little corner of the world and know that we are not alone in our struggle to maintain the freedoms we cherish.
And in the end of our exploring we shall return to the place where we started and know that place for the first time.

Offline Beanbag

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #230 on: January 25, 2013, 03:55:00 PM »
Greg , Very well put. I was in Elk Creek a few years back hunting elk,thought I was home!!

Offline Roughrider

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #231 on: January 25, 2013, 04:21:00 PM »
We look back on history from today and we see many examples of once peaceful, free governments running amok and, almost without exception, they began by registering then confiscating guns or other weapons.  When we look back on the founding of this country, we are proud of the wisdom and insight of our founders, and how they set about to build a free and fair republic.  Do you stop to think about how these Founding Fathers of ours were viewed by the government they just overthrew?  Do you think a lot of people, both in America and England, thought these Founding Fathers were out of their minds when they began talking of the government being overly oppresive?  History does repeat itself.  

Do we really have freedom in America today?  As a legal, law abiding citizen why is it anyones concern about how many weapons I own?  Why am I restricted to where I can carry those weapons?  Owning a gun of any type doesn't make you any more dangerous than any other citizen - unless someone wants to take something from you.  I really don't think the liberals realize what can of worms they are opening - I beleive most of them too are mislead into thinking that controlling guns somehow makes a more peaceful society.

If the end to the entire gun debate is not the eventual disarming of the people, then why are we required to register any new guns?  Does having your name on a list somehow make your gun safer?  Does it make you less likely to commit a crime with it?  NO - it makes it much easier for someone to know who owns guns and where to go to take them back.  Please, please, wake up folks!  We have lost so many freedoms that there is even some risk in posting many of the views presented on here.
Dan Brockman

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #232 on: January 25, 2013, 04:24:00 PM »
There will be ever increasing 'laws' that are intended to harrass the inocent common man, while the elites, I heard that elites like Warren Buffet and the mega banks can get caught laundering billions of dollars and nothing happens. Our country has been taken over by those that want the worst for us and the first and second amendments are standing in their way.  Senator Fienstien wants to take our rights while she has armed gaurds and is armed herself, I read that her wealth has expanded a hundred fold to an estimated 98 to 160 million while she was making 135k being a public servant. Our oil fields and ports are being turned over to the Chinese.  The Chinese wants us to disarmed, the Communist USA party wants us to be disarmed and our government agrees with them and will use any episode, real or manufactured, to fortify that agenda. More opium is coming out of Afganistan today than when the Teleban was running it all.  In less time than anyone asleep can imagine, we will not be able to recognise our country.

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #233 on: January 25, 2013, 04:39:00 PM »
Boy am I proud of tradgang..Thanks Mods for letting this run.
56" Shrew Classic Carbon 68@29
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Offline Beanbag

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #234 on: January 25, 2013, 05:04:00 PM »

Online smokin joe

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #235 on: January 25, 2013, 05:09:00 PM »
I agree with Champ38. This thread makes me proud of my Trad Gang brothers and sisters and full of gratitude for the moderators of this forum.

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Offline huntingarcher

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #236 on: January 25, 2013, 06:08:00 PM »
:clapper:     :clapper:    :clapper:

Offline Craig

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #237 on: January 25, 2013, 07:09:00 PM »
What's ashame is we spend more money in schools for fire prevention and there never was a child killed by a school fire. Our Gov doesn't want to spend money on our schools for arm guards. The easy way out is to ban certain firearms and then the public thinks their children will be safe. Who are they foolin', surely not us. Someone  mention how do we get the general public to know what really is going on. Do we drop pamphlets from the sky?
Schafer Silvertip

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #238 on: January 25, 2013, 07:51:00 PM »
To my knowledge, Warren Buffet has never been accused of "laundering billions of dollars."  What is your source for this?

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Re: Gene and Barry Wensel Defend the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #239 on: January 25, 2013, 07:53:00 PM »
5 children a day are killed by abuse and they are make new gun laws. What is wrong with our leaders.  http://www.childhelp.org/pages/statistics?gclid=CKO9g97mhLUCFa59OgodgXUAEw
Schafer Silvertip

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