I've had my Martin Hatfield take-down for a little over a month now, I love shooting this bow. It's my first traditional bow and I pluck the string every chance I get. I own one other bow, a compound and she has a name. I knew immediately when I first held my recurve the energy coming from it was masculine, where as my wheelie bow is very dainty and lady like
It's weird because I was laying there last night, at that point before you drift off into sleep, when your relaxed and mentally open.....that's when my bow connected with me. I wasn't even thinking about it, in fact all the times I put thought into a name I kept drawing a blank, trying to force my name onto it......my bow wants to be called Martin Short. I love it
It made perfect sense when I realized why.....my bow, me and Mr. Bigraxx are the three amigos
I'm sharing this on here because I know there are some out there who can relate, who also connect with their bows on some deeper metapysical/spiritual level. Some of you may think I'm a little nutty, that's fine too
Thanks for reading and have a great day......