I just thought I'd say "hi" and introduce myself. I just got my registration approved and am looking forward to participating on the forum. My name is Brandon and I currently live in Wisconsin. I'm a longtime compound bowhunter (~15years), but my New Years Resolution is to learn to shoot longbows and recurves. I made the mistake a lot of guys make (I think) when they want to get into trad gear: "I can shoot an 80lb compound, so I can handle and need a 50# longbow." Big mistake...
That Bear Montana 50# longbow I got from my wife as a christmas gift almost 10 years ago is still too much bow for me! I'm shopping now for something lighter weight to practice and learn on. I have my eye on a 25 or 30# Samick Sage, or (if I can swing the $) a Hoyt Excel with ~30lb limbs. I'm looking forward to hearing and reading opinions and advice from those with more experience. Thanks!