I once got down to one tradbow. The first day I made it down to one, I said in a thread I was changing my screen name to OneBow2Strings. I had found the one bow for me. It was a Harrison El Lobo. I mentioned that in the thread and Leo Merkert volunteered to have Jack Harrison make me a new HSS. I wound up having a collection of 18 Harrisons, a bunch of Hill longbows, a bunch of Schulz longbows and a bunch of vintage Bear bows.
My new realistic goal is to keep 2 of my Harrisons, 2 or 3 '59 Bear Kodiaks, 2 Northern Mist longbows (and I intend to buy another two piece) and a Tonkin longbow made for me by Ron Maulding. Everything else is going. Therefore I hope 9 or less.
I sure would like to be able to change my name to OneBow2Strings, but I doubt that can ever happen again.