Super Grizzly for me. I have owned both.
The Super Grizzly is 58". That's plenty short for me in a blind. Matt is referring to his 60" Super Kodiak.
To me the Super Grizzly is exceptionally smooth and more stable than the K-mag.
I love the looks of the K-mags, and they are fine bows but I prefer the Super Grizz.
My draw is 29" and I shoot 3 under. Both of those could tend to cause issues with the K-mag since it's so short, but there are guys with 29" that love their K-mags.
I would try to find a way to shoot both.
Oh, take into account my blind is the size of a Hilton...Matt has also seen it...I can shoot a 66" bow in it. I hunt with my kids from time to time so use a large blind