I've seen pigs a few times in the last month but haven't been able to get anything done..
This evening I was able to get away and go to the woods again. I walked into a "piggy" area and crawled into a treestand to spend the last 30 minutes of the day. Just before dark I heard some pigs feeding through the woods. I sat and wondered if they would come my way. It looked like they were going to avoid my spot but finally turned and started coming through..
There was quite a number of them but they were all small. This little straw colored boar stood out in the dusk so I concentrated on him. He finally gave me a quartering shot and I took it. I was using my 63# Hill and CE250's with a Grizzly on the end.. The arrow went through and stuck in the ground; the pigs scattered.
After waiting a bit I got down and went to the arrow. It was covered in blood and a trail was apparent immediatly.. The blood was easy too follow in the light of my headlamp. In fact, I trailed standing up, walking and was able to see the blood 10-15 feet in front of me as I walked. I kept going. I should have expected something was amiss since the trail was stretching out, still good blood. How could he go so far? Actually I'd probably only gone 150 yards but that is much farther than usual with this kind of trail. Suddenly I heard something move out in front of me.. I put another arrow on the string and moved ahead slowly. I kept on the blood trail when the pig jumped up about 15 yards out in front of me. He took off, not running wide open, but traveling at a pretty good clip. The Hill came up and the second arrow was away. It caught him in the short ribs going forward.. I was then able to watch him go down.
The first arrow had hit him a bit low and in the middle of the rib cage. No wonder there had been a good trail but I suppose I didn't give him enough time and got on the trail to quickly.. It ended well though, should be good table fare !